Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I am still here...

Don't worry, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. It has been crazy busy here between school, and housework, and trying to get 14 gallon-size bags full of grapes stemmed and frozen to make jam later...

Not kidding. A friend has a grape vine in her yard that someone planted years ago. 7-8 feet high, and 15 feet long. At least. She had no idea that her vine would have so many grapes until we went harvesting to make jam. I told her to grab a big bowl or stock pot. Less than 5 minutes later it was full. We switched to gallon bags. 1 1/2 hours later we had gotten most of the grapes except for the bunches with spider webs and the ones at the very top of the vine.

We ended up with 17 bags. Full. We had to work to close some of them. We gave away one bag to the police that were patrolling the neighborhood and happened to drive by. They looked stunned, and thought we were a little crazy. But when we handed them the bag and pointed out the gadgillion more grapes we had, they started smiling and thanked us. We gave one to her next door neighbor, whose daughter had been chatting with us the whole time. (I didn't think anyone could talk more than me. I was wrong.) And one bag went to her friend with a humongous Great Dane that I will have to post pictures of later. (Gorgeous dog! That would be plenty sturdy for my kids, huh?) His head is bigger than mine!

Tomorrow will be insane with therapy and our tour meal, but I will try and save some energy to post about some big stuff that we did this week!


Stephanie said...

Lots of grapes! That's funny about the police - I bet they were a bit suspicious at first! Grape jam sounds really good though. Have fun with that!

Sarah said...

Good luck with the jam. I can't believe how many grapes you got. Very cool!

Rachel Holloway said...

Man, everyone has all this awesome fruit except me. I just kill everything and end up buying mine. :)

Melinda said...

I agree w/ Rachel! Where's my cool fruit?!

That's a lot. Good luck with the tour dinner and all those grapes!!

Michelle said...

These are all green grapes, so our jam will look a little funny. But I will be using a little purple grape juice in with the fruit to help with that. Mr friend is so excited, she has never canned anything before!