Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh, if only...

Today I wished. Not for super powers, or millions of dollars. Not to be president, or a pretty princess. No.... I wished for something very simple. A housekeeper!

I didn't get my wish of course. For when I opened my eyes, all I saw was me!

The reason for my wish? I took a nap. "A nap?" you say. "What a small, simple thing!" Not with my children. I woke from my 20 minutes of splendid rest to naked natives yelling their war chants and splashing about in the waves. Not on TV, in my very own home! Where did they come from? I cannot answer.

These natives are cunning and sneaky. They delight in the destruction of peace and tranquility. They mark their territory, not merely with things strewn carelessly about, but with bodily excretements as well! With the spraying of Febreeze, and the squirting of Nair on the bed do they also announce their presence. Oh, beware the naked savage....

Bobby pins strewn about, plastic diaper bags floating about aimlessly in the pond that is the toilet. Climbing high upon closet cliffs searching for baby bottle treasure, they brave the unknown. And the youngest savage, he is the leader, for he still wore garments, but commanded the others in a loud screech unlike nothing I have ever known.

Oh, for a housekeeper! But as I looked, all I saw, was me....


Stephanie said...

That was a very creative way to get your point across. I'm glad you can have a sense of humor about it now, I know how upset you were at the time! You poor thing!! I hope they're better for you today.

Anonymous said...

Oh the hazards of stealing a nap! It's always a trade-off. Even if you don't wake up to disaster, I always feel like it's time wasted since it means I'm not getting done any of the hundred things waiting for me... If you find an answer to that problem, let me know :)

Sarah said...

I'd say a nap is well worth it. Hopefully this is one of those things you can look back on someday and laugh at.