Tuesday, January 8, 2008


What a week! Mark started us off with a bang, he decided that he felt left out by being the only one who hasn't been sick 30 times since Oren started school. So he up and got strep throat. So silly... Oren decided he wanted to be on antibiotics too, so he got an infection in his thumb from a splinter he didn't tell me about, and let the thumb fester for a while before I noticed the huge yellow pus blister some days later. Oh joy of joys.

On the plus side, I have stuck to my diet for a week and have lost of few of those pesky pounds. I have gone to the gym almost every day for a nice walk on the treadmill. Outside would be funner, but the snow is hampering me a bit.

We got a good 3 - 4 inches at today, and more expected later. They almost shut the base down, which Mark and I find hilarious.

I had a very big test of the strength of my resolutions this week. Cookies..... Chocolate Chip Cookies...

I made these scrumptious snacks for the winter recital my piano students gave this weekend. I had to smell the cookies baking, and handle them to arrange them on the platters. There was chocolate on my fingers. But did I falter? NO! I was strong. I survived and lived to tell the tale. William on the other hand....

He faltered. What a mess...

He loves his chocolate. Yummy!


Melinda said...

What fun! Good job on that withstanding temptation, and your son looks adorable covered in chocolate...I can say that because it's not my daughter needing the bath! Hope the recital went well!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Mark being sick; that's no fun. Of course, neither are splinters :) Congrats on withstanding the cookie temptations! Fortunately, it made for great picture material when William faltered :)