Friday, November 5, 2010

Where did the month go?

And what a month it has been. Two birthdays, a new job, a move - just a tad chaotic, and Halloween.

I must confess. We have pictures from William's birthday. But not Daniel. In fact, he never even had a party. Nathan was at school that day, and Daddy worked that night, so we didn't celebrate that day. I had planned on festivities that weekend, but nobody thought to tell me that Mark's brother's birthday was that Friday. Two parties in two days didn't excite anybody. He opened his gifts on a few different days, they just sort of filtered in. He didn't get a smash cake or anything! His first birthday ever, and we didn't get it celebrated! I have been very seriously considering making him an awesome cake, now that I have all my stuff, and having a really belated party. With pictures and candles and frosting all over his highchair.... He doesn't care now, but just wait until he's 5 or 6 and asking how come we don't have pictures of his first birthday.

Our move was quite interesting too. Between forms not getting sent in from employers when we thought they'd be, and then movers showing up the day before we signed for the keys even though we called twice and left messages that we needed to reschedule our delivery.... At least we know have an apartment, and our stuff, and we're pretty much settled in. We have a few boxes still, but it's canning supplies, cake decorating stuff, and the desktop computer that we have no desk for - nor space for a desk. And that's all stuffed in the huge bedroom closets. But most of the pictures are hung and the bookshelves are filled. The living room/dining room/kitchen are put together and decorated with the crocheted leaves and pumpkin Steph made me! Just figuring out where some of the bedroom and office stuff is going to go, and fit the windows with curtains to help with heat retention.

I also have no Halloween pictures. Mark was working that day, to get in some overtime and extra experience. So I was by myself with the boys. We purchased nothing at all this year, not even candy! All our costumes came from our box we've been saving each year's selection in, and between buying larger sizes on clearance last year and having tiny ones from when the boys were younger we had what we needed. An adorable dragon, complete with spiky tail and claws; a skeleton with a top hat; a pirate and cutlass; and a mischievous vampire. Daddy made it just at the end of dinner and games, in time to help me take them home from trunk-or-treat. Then Daniel and I chilled at home, unpacking, while Daddy and the other boys "got chilled" traipsing the neighborhood for more candy. They all had a blast, and I enjoyed the break.

All in all, it's been a very busy month, with lots of fun!

1 comment:

Karen said...

All that stuff to do in life changing cercumstances wears you out. Heck, it wears me out just thinking about it!

Good luck with all the changes that come with a new job and civilian life.