Thursday, July 10, 2008


Today I am reminded of why I only mop once a month. Yes that's right, once a month. Not a typo. My arms are so short that it hurts my back. I can get the hallway and part of the living room before I feel it. By the time I hit the kitchen I have to stop every 3 foot square and sit down for a bit. It takes forever!

But I got the floor swept and mopped, and dishes done, and the living room stayed clean, and laundry got done! I also ran errands and did therapy in town. Hurray!

But that dog-gone floor... Every time I turned around there was a little crumb, or smear of banana. I JUST CLEANED THE FLOOR PEOPLE! I mop, and then it is so much effort to keep it clean that I succeed for about a week, then it all goes to pot. You know it's bad when the baby doesn't want to walk to his chair because of the krud on the floor, or when Mark is looking for socks so he doesn't have to get his feet dirty and resorts to scooting penguin style on the baby's blanket. Yeah, it's been that bad before.

Unsanitary? Definitely. Bothersome? Yes. Important to my eternal happiness? Not really. But because of the first question I should probably try harder to get it done at least every 2 weeks. *wink* Stupid short arms...

On another note - I got through the French menu, except for a time constraint that neccesitated using purchase garlic french baguettes from Wally-World. I like bakeries! Recipes have been posted, as well as pictures that made me hungry all over again.


Kathy Whittle said...

It's definitely a challenge to keep a floor clean with 3 little kids. I can't even keep my clean with one! It's pretty bad right now - I can't even remember the last time I mopped.....:)

Rachel Holloway said...

I really only mop when I start to stick or can see something plastered on my floor. :) wink...

Your french menu looked delicious! Wish I were that adventurous!

Michelle said...

Glad to know I am not the only mop-the-floor procrastinator. I try, I really do, but with 3 kids (and a husband that insists on snacking in the living room)? Not going to happen!

A friend of mine, whose daughter is one of Oren's friends, commented the other day "how on earth do you find time to clean with 3 boys? I can't find the time, and I only have 1!" I thought about it and realized that my 3 keep each other entertained. Her only child depends on Mom for daily activities. Another benefit to multiple children. Even if sometimes their "entertainment" involves making a new mess.

Stephanie said...

The other day I got down and scrubbed the floor by hand with a bucket and a rag. I can't see myself wanting to clean the floor again for a good long time.

And how do I clean with two kids? Well, that's simple - I don't! :-P