Thursday, June 26, 2008

Oh my word!

I think I need to take a new look at the words "prepare ahead of time".

We are trying a new thing for dinner. One night a week we will be cooking a meal from another country. An "Around the World" tour, if you will. Tonight was Austria. Not only did I have to thinly slice about 5 onions (seriously), but I forgot to make the cake ahead of time! So here I am slicing the bejeebers out of a ton of onions, pulling William off the table, melting chocolate in a double boiler that needed to be stirred, pulling William off the table, beating eggs, softening butter, yelling at Mark that I can't help him carry wood, pulling William off the table, cooking chicken, pulling William off.... you see where this is going.

Total chaos!

We ate a little late tonight.

A smart person would have been slicing onions throughout the day instead of folding laundry. A smart person would have remembered that a cake was part of tonight's dinner. A smart person would have looked at her ingredients and checked the cupboard, noticed that she didn't have unsweetened chocolate, and bought some at the store instead of mixing baking cocoa with shortening and melting the resulting paste. And would have had all the butter needed for tonight's meal sitting on the counter pre-softening.

But whoever said I was smart?

On a somewhat unrelated note, Mark has been working on plans in his head for a veggie garden in the back yard. A little late for seeds or small seedlings, but that's why nurseries sell bigger plants. He went to the base wood pile and found a huge wooden bin just dying to be cut in half. We have a friend that can get us a truckload of topsoil for $25 plus gas for him to get it for us. So we have our wooden bases set and just need to haul the dirt. Find ourselves a church member with some manure they would love to unload. He is very excited and I am hoping I don't kill everything... That's why he wanted help moving wood. Actually the conversation went something like :

"I need help moving the wood. It's heavy."

"Well, I need help in here! I am cooking 3 dishes at once because I am an idiot that forgot she was doing a fancy pants meal, and your kid keeps crawling on the table, and I burnt my finger on the stupid pan!"

"Never mind."

Poor guy. But he got his bin moved without help, and sawed it in half. Dinner got made and eaten. My feet hurt. Next week's dinner will go better...


Melinda said...

What a whirlwind! I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way every now and then!

Rachel Holloway said...

Hey, you should at least get kudos for actually taking time and making an EFFORT for a big meal, right??

I think we would have ended up with hanburger helper. :)

Sarah said...

Our dinner last night was chicken green bean casserole that I pulled out of the freezer. Way to go getting a real dinner made.
Good luck with the garden!