Saturday, February 2, 2008

A better day

Yes, for anyone wondering, today has been a much better day. Mark was on call, so didn't have to be up at 5 am and the kids let us sleep in for a while. Everyone woke up cheerful, breakfast was low mess. The boys played with their toy train while William chased the cat all over the house laughing histaricaly. I was able to finsih my stock that was sitting in the fridge. I scrape the fat off the chilled stock and then bring it back to a boil to can it. We got 2 batches canned before lunch. Mark got called into work, so he had to disappear, but William settled down for a nice long nap, so it was pretty quiet. I decided to go out and vacumm out my car, which was horrendously dirty. I love driving my van after it's all cleaned up, everybody seems to behave so much better. So the kids had fun sitting at home and relaxing, and I got stuff done that had been waiting for quite a while. Strangely, William has shown no further signs of being sick.

Luckily days like yesterday happen often enough that I am no longer embarrased about those kinds of messes, but far enough apart that I don't completely lose my sanity. I just remember that I have no idea who the people in the store are so they can judge all they want and it doesn't bother me a bit. And if it is somebody I do know, they have always stepped in to help and haven't judged me at all. Thank you for your comments, it's nice to have family who sympathize with you when you have a bad day.

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