Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nathan's Graduation

It seems like this year has just flown by. One day I'm taking pictures of Nathan, proud of his new backpack, on the way to his first day of kindergarten. And now he's all graduated! His teacher goes all out, very different from Oren's. They all paraded in to "Pomp and Circumstance". When their name was called they crossed over a bridge to receive a fun little diploma.

They even moved their yarn tassels over to the right afterwards. Too cute!

Their sweet teacher posed with each of them for photos. The lion is "King", the classroom mascot, and at one point had a graduation cap on as well. It fell off halfway through the kids.

The graduating class of 2010, PM. The girl in the far back row with the light pink dress is one of his best friends. She is very much like Oren and so all our kids get along great.

We're so proud of how well he's done this past year. His teacher said he is one of the best readers and has the nicest handwriting. "He's picked everything up so fast, and was a joy to work with!" Which is so nice to hear after all the drama with Oren the last few years.
Not only are we graduated from Kindergarten, but we celebrated coming to the end of speech therapy! We knew it was coming, but it was kind of bittersweet leaving the clinic for the last time. Miss Gayle has been his therapist for over 2 years now, and has been such a huge blessing in our lives. She was the one who suggested what the problem might be and pushed for Dr. Beck to take his case on even though it was a 1 in 100 shot. She worked him up to 3 times a week, was so sweet to my other boys that William would run up and give her big hugs, and sneaked everyone lollipops all the time. I can't imagine having worked with anyone else, and we'll miss seeing her every week!

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