Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Picture of the Day #36

I am a firm believer that if you make the mess, then you should clean it up. I guess William thinks so too. He had just wandered all over the house with a cracker, and then tried to clean his mess up. The broom was a bit large for him, but he had a blast pushing it around the hallway and living room!


CissaLynn said...

Cutie Patootie!!! I love it!!!! :) How sweet that he was trying to sweep up his crumbs!!!! :))

Stephanie said...

What a big helper! How cute. Definitely encourage that kind of behavior!!!

Sarah said...

Sweeping is one of Emma's favorite things to "help" with. Such sweet little kids. How old is William? I think he's close to Emma's age...just curious.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what it is with little kids and brooms, but both of mine loved the broom (Madison now, Kellen at a similar age a long time ago...). Unfortunately, the fascination wears off eventually and they don't want to do it anymore :)

Karen said...

They are never too young to learn:) He's sure a cutie!

Michelle said...

William is almost 19 months. He loves to help, put things away, in drawers or boxes or anywhere where it can go "in". He's really such a sweetie!