I am a firm believer that if you make the mess, then you should clean it up. I guess William thinks so too. He had just wandered all over the house with a cracker, and then tried to clean his mess up. The broom was a bit large for him, but he had a blast pushing it around the hallway and living room!
Cutie Patootie!!! I love it!!!! :) How sweet that he was trying to sweep up his crumbs!!!! :))
What a big helper! How cute. Definitely encourage that kind of behavior!!!
Sweeping is one of Emma's favorite things to "help" with. Such sweet little kids. How old is William? I think he's close to Emma's age...just curious.
I'm not sure what it is with little kids and brooms, but both of mine loved the broom (Madison now, Kellen at a similar age a long time ago...). Unfortunately, the fascination wears off eventually and they don't want to do it anymore :)
They are never too young to learn:) He's sure a cutie!
William is almost 19 months. He loves to help, put things away, in drawers or boxes or anywhere where it can go "in". He's really such a sweetie!
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