Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We're Back!

I have officially never been that long at my in-laws house! Wow! By Monday morning we were all very ready to be home. As much as we enjoyed our stay, we were all a bit homesick for our house and schedule and food.

As a cumulative effect from our long vacation of late nights and different foods, including lots of fresh fruit, I managed an upset tummy on the way home yesterday and napped most of the way home so the stomach cramps wouldn't bug me so much. I didn't feel much like eating, so then all of a sudden I was feeling very yucky and knew I had to eat but nothing sounded good at all. That whole, empty stomach thing. And the emptier it got the worse I felt and by the time we stopped for dinner I could only manage a half dozen bites of my amazing Pizza Hut Tuscani chicken alfredo stuff. I did get it down for lunch today though. Hurray! It was quite a long morning though, wanting and needing to eat but not having the stomach for it. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be all better and back on track.

I did have to get up super early this morning to make it to my 8:30 appointment with the OB in Boise. I ended up in the wrong parking garage, and had to go across the street instead of being in the same building as the offices. Oops! Luckily I found a nice lady going to her car in an official looking shirt who told me where I needed to be and it wasn't that far. Really luckily, because I had to pee, since I remembered civilian OB's require the cup thingy every visit. I haven't had to do that for the last 2 pregnancies. Ugh. They let me do that before I checked in though, which was nice.

And I LOVE my new OB! He's awesome! First thing, I don't have to come in every week for a sugar check. I can just email my week's numbers to him every Monday and he'll call if I need to come in for a med adjustment between regular visits. I will also have ultrasounds every month to check growth. Fetal Medicine should call by Friday to set up my ultrasound, in about 3-4 weeks. I also get a small growth check one around mid-June. So lots of peeks at baby! He doesn't really care about the weight gain unless it gets out of control, and instead wants to focus on keeping my sugar levels stable. If those are stable the weight should take care of itself pretty well. Baby's heart sounded good, and I am measuring where I need to be. So everything looks good, and I look forward to working with my new doctor!

The only downside is that starting at 34 weeks I have to go to Boise at least once a week for Non-Stress Tests. Then it'll be twice a week as I get closer. That'll be fun! I'd better start saving for gas money now...... :-)


Rachel Holloway said...

Whew! Welcome back...I think that icky pregnancy nausea is SOOO terrible. I hate not knowing WHAT sounds good.

Hey, I will be over in Boise the end of May if you guys want to get together. Just something to keep in mind!

Kathy and Dave Whittle said...

The sicky stuff is never fun. Just curious why you're going to a doctor clear over in Boise?