Well, he's no Frosty the Snowman, for starters, he was warm. He had no stick arms, or carrot nose. But he did have an engaging smile.... And bright, sparkly eyes! And little green parsley flecks... wait, that's not snowmanesque!

This little man made a trip from the North Pole to grace my children's plates at dinner this evening. We sure appreciated his time, and his cheerful attitude. And how did my boys repay him for his efforts?
They ate him! That's right, ate him. They showed no remorse, no tears were shed. They even had the audacity to make yummy noises! What kind of person does that?
Poor little sauted squash snowman...
Hey girl! This was HILARIOUS!!! :) Leave it to boys to wolf him down w/out a care in the world!!! lololol!!!! :))
It sounds like your camping trip was a lot of fun! We keep saying we are gonna go camping every year and never do (the last time we did go was 3 yrs. ago). I used to go a lot as a kid and I remember it being a fun time! :) Your boys will remember these fun times as fond memories!
Oh, one last thing (I gotta get to sleep) - your tag answers were fun to read and......thanks for "tagging" me! :))
What a great idea!! And I think we all can se a little Christmas in July! :)
That is a great way to get kids to eat squash! What were the buttons and eyes made of?
So cute!!!
Yeah for cute food and getting kids to eat their veggies!
Are you coming to the Danes reunion in July??? It's pretty close you know! You don't have to be able to bring Mark, if he has to work, COME ANYWAY! All my girls will be there husband-less.
Aaaaaww! Cute snoman!
To agree with Steph, Aaron won't make it, either, so it'd be fun to hang out in person rather than in cyberspace...if you can make it!
The buttons and eyes were just ketchup I squirted on there. I do lots of designs on food with ketchup, you can get cheap bottles for it at Walmart in the kitchen utensil section. It makes putting designs or piping words (like their names) easier.
No, we won't be making it down there. It is a very long drive to make, even though Mark has plenty of vacation time available. The boys would drive me crazy if I went by myself. And gas is so much money, we really can't afford to go down this year. We won't be going to his famliy reunion either. As much as I would love to go hang out with everyone... *sniff*. Plus, Oren has summer school for a couple of those days. He doesn't do very well if he misses school - it's hard for him to get back into the routine if it's longer than a weekend.
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