Friday, April 25, 2008

Oren's exciting day!

Oren had "the best day of kindergarten ever!" today. The school PTP organized a science fair, and they all got to go today. As I pulled into the parking lot, all the kindergarteners were walking back to the classroom, all so excited!

His teacher said he not only stayed with the class (a big thing for him), but he was totally into all of the exhibits. He was fascinated with the germ display, and has requested soap to be placed into his bathroom again (we took it out because it just ended up literally everywhere but on their hands). One of the scouts from church that he knows was there and juggled scarves. He thought that was pretty neat. If I had known what they were doing today I would have gone and taken pictures!

We are pretty happy he got to go, he loves anything science or math, loves to problem solve, and I can totally see him being a scientist or engineer of some sort. He's so smart! We got to talk about how they will learn more science stuff in 1st grade, and he asked if he could start tomorrow... :-)

It never ceases to amaze me how fast they grow. One day he was learning to roll over in Aunt Annette's basement, and then I blink and he's almost done with kindergarten! Where does the time go?


Rachel Holloway said...

That is FANTASTIC! I am SO excited for him and for you! I hope there are many more days like today!

Stephanie said...

That's great that he had such a neat day at school. I'm sure his enthusiasm for science and math will serve him well in the years to come!

Melinda said...

How exciting! I'm so glad he had a better day. Here's hoping for more of those!

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to see them get excited about the things around them that make the world tick! I love it when Kellen talks about math concepts or how much he enjoys science stuff at school. Maybe if he's enjoying things now, he'll still enjoy some of it when he gets to high school :)