Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good Old-Fashioned Yumminess

I asked Mark this morning what he would like for dinner tomorrow. It is the priviledge of the birthday person to choose what the family eats for dinner for their birthday. Whatever they want, and I do it as much from scratch as I can. It makes it special.

Mark served his mission in Virgina and North Carolina. One of the this southerner's are famous for doing is Barbeque! Not the kind where you dump ribs or a roast in the crock pot with a bottle of barbeque sauce on it and simmer all day. Nope! This is the good stuff: a spicy herb rub marinading on the roast for 6-24 hours, slow cooked on the charcoal grill with packets of soaked smoking wood chips for 3-5 hours, and then letting it rest in it's juices for 1 hour. Served with a regional sauce like a mustard sauce on delicious rolls.

That's what my baby wants, that's what he'll get! Talk about love, right? And for desert, why not combine his two favorite treats... Fudgy brownies, and german chocolate cake. Voila! German Chocolate Brownies!

He and I both think I am nuts. But he has been raving about southern barbeque for 7 years now, and I want to taste it. If this works, I will be posting the recipe on my food blog. Happy birthday honey!


CissaLynn said...

Sounds YUUUMMY!!!!! I am so inspired to cook more and try new things after your (and Steph's) blogs!!!! :)
Tell your man "Happy Birthday" from your blogger buddies!!!! :)

Stephanie said...

Oh, wow, that sounds great! Especially the German Chocolate Brownies. Definitely let us know how it all turns out! Happy birthday Mark!

Melinda said...

Wow, I missed a lot here! I can't wait to see those recipes, though I don't think I have the patience to try the bbq.

I hope you enjoy your sounds fabulous! Happy B-day to Mark!

Rachel Holloway said...

You're too good--I would just find a highly recommended barbecue place and go out to eat. :)
Happy Birthday Mark! Hope your dinner turns out as good as it sounds!