Thursday, January 31, 2008

All Aboard!

I feel today a little like the train conductor on "Polar Express", hurry hurry musn't be late. Things must be on schedule. Since the school moved Nathan to afternoon preschool, things have been off. I wasn't sure when meals needed to happen, who was going to have to be ready and by what time, etc. So I sat down and figured out what needs to happen each day, when kids need to be ready, mealtimes, when we have to be in the car to be at school on time, when the gym will work. My boys deal best when there is a set schedule, then they know what to expect. I am the same way. So today we tried it. Success! Not only were the boys and myself happier, but meals were prepared and eaten and actually cleaned up. The kids were in pajamas, read scriptures, and done family song and prayer, and were in their beds a little before 8:00! It will be closer to 7:30 tomorrow, but we had company for dinner today. It is not even 8:45 as I write this, and my house is peaceful and quiet. I may even get to bed before 10:00. This new schedule won't solve all my problems, but it should help me to be more on time, since that has been difficult as of late. I realized I have 3 large chunks of time each day. I can work out, run errands, clean house, and play with my kids. I actually have the time! I don't have to be rushed getting dinner on. I have the time scheduled for it! Okay, we'll see how long this lasts, but for now it's "All Aboard!"


Melinda said...

So glad your day was so punctual and well-run! And thanks for the encouragement on my blog. I hope you can keep up with your schedule and keep up your great attitude!

Anonymous said...

During summer vacation last year I posted a schedule on the fridge that told Kellen when we were cleaning the house, when he could play video games, when lunch was, and all the stuff in between. It worked great, and I will probably do it again this summer, partly because it kept him from asking me all day long if he could play video games :)

Rachel Holloway said...

It is so nice to find a schedule that works! I am glad you are settling into yours.

J & A Danes said...

Schedules are so wonderful. I just wish they weren't so hard to stick to. I do so much better with a schedule and structure, I just find it hard to stick to. However, you have motivated to re-do my schedule and try harder to stick to it!